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BTÌìÌà Publications

BTÌìÌÃÌýcommunity members regularly engage in producingÌýbothÌýacademic output and creative contributionsÌýfor a wide variety of student- and faculty-led publications across the University. WhetherÌýit’sÌýstudentÌýzines, faculty journals orÌýtheÌýBTÌìÌà Magazine,Ìýthese publicationsÌýare a vital methodÌýof showcasingÌýthe full range of voices in ourÌýcampusÌýcommunity.Ìý

Many of these publications distributeÌýprint copiesÌýonÌýcampus, butÌýyou can findÌýlinks to digital copies below.

BTÌìÌà MagazineÌý

BTÌìÌÃmonogram_RGB.jpgPublishedÌýbyÌýBTÌìÌÃ’sÌýOffice of Communications, theÌýBTÌìÌà MagazineÌýcovers the latest events, stories and developments from across the university community, includingÌýfromÌýour global alumni network.Ìý.Ìý



Peacock Media

Peacock-Magazine.jpgPeacock MagazineÌý

Published once a semester, theÌýPeacock MagazineÌýis a student-run print publicationÌýrepresentingÌýthe voices of BTÌìÌà students.ÌýTackling topics suchÌýas diversity, technology and current events, the magazine provides an outlet for writers and artists to engage with the issues most important to students on campus.Ìý.Ìý

Peacock-Plume.jpgPeacock PlumeÌý

TheÌýPeacock PlumeÌýis the web publication platform of BTÌìÌà Student Media, responding to current events in Paris and beyondÌýwith student journalism. TiedÌýintoÌýseveral courses inÌýjournalismÌýandÌýglobalÌýcommunications, theÌýPeacock PlumeÌýshowcasesÌýa wide range of voices inÌýthe BTÌìÌà community. New articles are uploaded regularly,Ìý.Ìý

Peacock-Play.jpgPeacock PlayÌý

ASM’sÌývideo arm showcases the best student filmmaking from across the University,ÌýcombiningÌývideoÌýjournalism withÌýinfotainment videos, oftenÌýaboutÌýlife in Paris and the globalÌýexplorer’sÌýexperience.ÌýLike its written counterpart,ÌýPeacock Play also ties into certain course requirements.Ìý.Ìý


Scholarly Journals


RoachesÌýisÌýa militant zine connecting revolutionary queer, feminist and race theory with creative activist projects. Tied toÌýBTÌìÌÃ’sÌýGender, Sexuality and Society program,Ìýthe magazine showcases both academic and creative writing alongside art and design, providing an inclusive platform forÌýstudents toÌýspeak about gender, race and LGBTQ+ issues. As well as producing physical copies,Ìý.Ìý


HibouÌýMagazineÌýis a student-run publicationÌýtied toÌýthe History, Law and Society program. The magazine covers academic inquiry alongsideÌýcreative writing and poetryÌýacrossÌývaried topics.ÌýIt’sÌýaÌýproject designedÌýto hold the University to account andÌýtoÌýencourage student writers to develop their skills.Ìý.Ìý


Creative Works



Paris/AtlanticÌýisÌýBTÌìÌÃ’sÌýstudent-ledÌýpublication for the literary and creative arts,Ìýoriginally founded in 1982.ÌýIt showcasesÌýwork from students alongside contributions from faculty, staff and friends of the University.ÌýIt aims to provide an opportunityÌýforÌýaspiring professional writers and artists to share their work with the BTÌìÌà community. Alongside printed copies distributed on campus,Ìý.Ìý


¶Ùé±è²¹²â²õ²¹²Ô³Ù²õÌýis an arts and culture magazine run by BTÌìÌà students. It aims to give creatives at BTÌìÌà a digital platform to share their work in order to develop professional artistic portfolios. Contributions coverÌýa broad spectrum ofÌýthe arts, including photography, fashion, written journalism and video. ItÌýis a representation ofÌýtheÌýcreativityÌýof the BTÌìÌà community, shaped by Paris,Ìýthrough the lens ofÌýcommunity diversity.ÌýÌý



Cahiers.jpgThe CahiersÌýSeriesÌý

TheÌýCahiers SeriesÌýis a set of short books which make available new explorations in writing, in translating and in the areas linking these two activities.ÌýBTÌìÌÃ’sÌýCenterÌýfor Writers & TranslatorsÌýpublishesÌýtheÌýCahiers SeriesÌýin association withÌýSylphÌýEditions. YouÌýcanÌýpurchase print copiesÌý.Ìý



Music & LiteratureÌý

Music & LiteratureÌýis an arts magazine co-edited by Professor DanielÌýMedinÌýofÌýBTÌìÌÃ’sÌýCenterÌýfor Writers & Translators. The magazineÌýpublishesÌýworksÌýbyÌýcritically acclaimed butÌýunderrepresented artists from around the world.Ìý.Ìý




Now nearly 40 years old, the Tocqueville review today falls under the remit ofÌýBTÌìÌÃ’sÌýCenterÌýfor Critical Democracy Studies. Tackling transnational questions of politics and society, the journal encourages scholarly contributions on democratic practice and theory.ÌýFind back issues of the Tocqueville Review online here.Ìý


Nature-and-Cultures.jpgNature and CulturesÌý

Nature and CulturesÌýis anÌý. Founded by Professor Oleg Kobtzeff, the journal showcases student and faculty academic contributions alongside republished third-party material. It ties closely into several classes across the University,Ìýmost notablyÌýthe Waters of the Globe class,ÌýwhichÌýhostsÌýÌýon theÌýmagazine’sÌýwebsite.Ìý