
Olympics 2024:

Information about Campus Tours, Access and Visits

Social Media Directory

Official social media accounts

The American University of Paris currently maintains an official presence on several social media channels:

  • 听(础鲍笔.尘补颈苍)
  • 听(蔼础鲍笔补谤颈蝉)
  • 听(础鲍笔惫颈诲别辞蝉)
  • 听(础鲍笔颈苍蝉迟补驳谤补尘)

Other social media accounts

The American University of Paris encourages its community to interact on social networks. For this purpose, we highlight some of the most relevant and interesting channels from the BT天堂 community:

Graduate Program Social Media听

Social media policy statement

The American University of Paris (BT天堂) uses social media as a place for prospective students, current students, alumni and the BT天堂 community to interact, ask questions and discuss topics relevant to the University.

While BT天堂 welcomes and encourages postings from the community, the university reserves the right to block individual accounts and/or remove comments, links, photos or other content from the social media sites for any reason, including but not limited to, harassment and personal attacks, derogatory or defamatory comments, vulgarity and profanity (including expletives and letters followed by dashes), commercial promotion, off-topic posts, improper use of intellectual property or copyrighted material, or otherwise inappropriate content.

In addition, links posted on BT天堂 social media channels should not be construed as endorsement of organizations, entities, views or content contained therein. Individuals are responsible for the content they view and post on any of The American University of Paris' social media sites. By sharing content on any of the University鈥檚 social media sites, individuals understand and acknowledge that this information is public, and that BT天堂 may use this information for promotional purposes. Note that other participants may use posted information beyond the control of The American University of Paris.