
Olympics 2024:

Information about Campus Tours, Access and Visits

En Bref

Type of Visa Requested for New Graduate Students

A long stay student visa听(Etudiant- VLS- TS CESEDA- R311 3 6掳鈥) because the Graduate students plan to stay in France more than one year.

More information

Contact your BT天堂 Admission Counselor when you receive your registration is effective/ you receive your acceptance pack/you plan to start the student visa application.

Navigating all of the requirements of French immigration can be tricky. BT天堂鈥檚 Student Immigration Services exist to assist Graduate students with the immigration process and help make a potentially confusing process an orderly and painless one.

Necessary paperwork differs by student. Be sure to look up what鈥檚 required of you from the moment you receive your acceptance letter and throughout your time at BT天堂.

Since some processes may take up to a few weeks (if the French Authorities鈥 Department which is on charge of processing the residency applications, is either understaffed or overworked-sometimes both- the residency renewal procedure can take a few months).

Therefore, it鈥檚 imperative that you follow the necessary steps at the earliest possible moment. You must take care of your immigration requirements in order to enroll and remain enrolled at BT天堂. Please be aware that it鈥檚 illegal to enter France under a tourist visa, or without a visa at all, with the intention of studying. Graduate students living in France without the proper documents are subject to deportation.

Student Immigration Policy you are听required to read.

When you are accepted to the University, you鈥檒l be provided with instructions and necessary documents to apply for a long stay student visa student visa (the new Graduate students are given the necessary information by their BT天堂 Admission Councilor and the Graduate Department of BT天堂 whereas the returning Graduate students who need to apply for a new student visa must be in touch with SIS).

This residence visa allows you to legally live and study in France. Read the听procedures for Graduate students听carefully to make sure that you can successfully enter and reside in France.

The Immigration Office of BT天堂 hereby declines any responsibility for any consequences which could result from a NON EU student (illegally) entering into France with NO valid documents (valid student visa, valid passport, valid residency card).

Before the start of your first semester, you must provide Student Immigration Services with a birth certificate (a certified copy in English or French). This document is mandatory and must be prepared before arriving in France. Marriage, divorce, and adoption certificates are necessary to justify any change of name, if applicable.

What to bring to orientation

Before you come to Paris, you鈥檒l need to have obtained your student visa. Your acceptance pack has all the latest details on the procedure. In addition to your passport, you must also bring a birth certificate mentioning both of your parents鈥櫶齨ames with you to Orientation听and supply it to Student Immigration Services.听The birth certificate must be a certified copy in either English or French. This document is mandatory and must be prepared before arriving in France. Marriage, divorce, and adoption certificates are also necessary to justify any change of name.

First-year graduate students: residency permit application

Graduate students must obtain a long-term student visa鈥 the VISA D- Long s茅jour- Ceseda R311-3 6掳鈥攆rom the French Consulate in their country of residence in order to legally enter France. Once in France, you鈥檒l need to apply for your residency permit by submitting additional documents to Student Immigration Services and the French Authorities.

All Graduate students are expected to maintain legal residency status in France during their Master studies at BT天堂. If you鈥檙e a citizen of France or any other European Union country, you need only show us your EU passport (or your National ID) once during Orientation and are exempt from any further visa requirements.

All non-European Union students need to first apply for a student visa, the Visa D-Long S茅jour- Ceseda R311-3 6掳, to become a legal resident of France. Upon acceptance to the University, you will then be provided with instructions and the documents necessary to apply for your student residence permit, the VLS-TS Titre de S茅jour. This residence permit allows you to legally live and study in France. All of these steps require that your passport is valid and not due to expire for more than six months.听


The OFII procedure does no longer take place.

The French Authorities have decided to modify the procedure for the NON EU students who enter France with a long stay student visa in order to legally study and live on the French Territory *

Therefore, to offer the NON EU Graduate students a better service, the French Authorities have officially appointed some schools/ universities in Paris to finalize the residency procedure by issuing the Graduate students their residency permit.

The Immigration Office of BT天堂 (SIS) assists the Graduate students in completing the residency application and in being issued the residency permit.

After a first meeting with SIS at Orientation, the Graduate students will be scheduled an appointment with SIS (which is located on campus) to start and to finalize the procedure.

*This piece of information also applies to the Returning Graduate students who re-enter France with a NEW long stay student visa after a Leave of Absence.

Arrival in France


When you arrive at Orientation, you鈥檒l meet with a member of the Student Immigration Services team. We will check with you we have gathered the required documents from you (the copy of your passport information page, the copy of your student visa, the copy of your entrance stamp OR your boarding pass).

The week that follows Orientation, SIS will contact you to schedule an appointment to apply for your residency permit. This appointment is mandatory and cannot be rescheduled. Missing the residency visit results in the cancellation of both the visa and the residency application, so it鈥檚 imperative that you attend your appointment with SIS. This appointment is part of validating process for the student visa in order to legalize the non-EU student's stay in France.


The NON EU Graduate students who may also decide come to BT天堂 for the Summer sessions, before the Fall semester starts, and who have been issued a long stay student visa, are required to meet with SIS within the first week of their arrival in France (no later) in order to apply for their residency permit.


The NON EU Graduate students who will arrive late/ after Orientation and who have been issued a long stay student visa, are required to meet with SIS within the first week of their arrival in France (no later) in order to apply for their residency permit.

Required documents for the residency meeting

  • The passport
  • The long stay student visa
  • The entrance stamp or the boarding pass (which confirms the day the NON EU student entered France/ EU)
  • A valid housing address in France (in Paris or outside Paris)
  • A valid email address: The Graduate student can either use the BT天堂 email address or their private email address (they can choose which email they would like the information about their residency permit be sent to)
  • A valid payment card in order to buy the tax stamp on line听Important: AMEX NOT ACCEPTED
  • The tax stamp is a mandatory fee to pay in order to be issued the residency permit to legally study and live in France

  • The Graduate student is scheduled an appointment to meet with SIS/ sent a list of requirements before the appointment takes place
  • The appointment takes 20-30 minutes
  • On the day of the appointment, SIS helps the student to complete the residency procedure on line (to fill out the necessary documents, to buy the tax stamp, to obtain the residency permit)
  • SIS issues the residency permit 鈥淐onfirmation de la validation de l鈥橢nregistrement de votre Visa Long S茅jour valant Titre de S茅jour鈥
  • SIS confirms the Graduate student their听reference/ file number
  • SIS updates the Graduate student residency records in the University database
  • SIS informs the Graduate student about the residency renewal


The NON EU students are no longer required to visit the OFII to validate the long term student visa they have been issued in order to legalize their stay here under a student status since the French Authorities modified the procedure.听

SIS assists the students in doing the entire procedure= 鈥淣O MORE OFII APPOINTMENT!鈥

Residency visa renewal

Three months and a half (no later) before your residency expires, you are required to email/ to meet with the Student Immigration Services Office to discuss your renewal options, receive the list of required documents, and to schedule an appointment for your renewal. Your residency permit renewal application must be complete and ready to be processed three months prior to the expiration date. Remember that if your residency permit expires in April/May/June/July/August you must discuss your situation (residency renewal or student visa application) with SIS before you plan to leave for summer vacation. Have a look at our听Returning Students section听for more information about residency renewal procedures and documents.

Important: Graduate students whose residency expires in April/May/June/July/August and who plan to leave France immediately after Spring semester is over are required to apply for another long stay student visa back home (over the summer) in order to legally return to France/BT天堂 next Fall semester. For those whose residency card expires mid-summer/ late summer and who may be able to return to France before their residency card expires, it is possible to do the residency renewal procedure upon their return instead of applying for a new student visa. Contact听SIS and we will advise accordingly.

Contact us

We鈥檙e here to help you every step of the way, but it鈥檚 your legal responsibility to maintain your legal resident status in France. Any Graduate student who does not respect French immigration policy will not benefit from any assistance from the University and re-admission to the University will be made on a case-by-case basis.

The Student Immigration Services Office at BT天堂 is available throughout your Master studies for assistance in working with the local authorities to fulfill your visa requirements as well as with the renewal process. The Immigration Office keeps records of residency cards, passports, visas, and birth certificates. Please听contact us听to make sure your records are updated, or if you have any questions or concerns.